P. 49

grabbed and held my attention.                     explained that the seafood is exceptionally fresh,
               I asked Annette, who spoke with a gentle south-  pointing to the restaurant's large aquariums that
            ern drawl, how she ended up in Cascais. She ex-    held lobsters, crabs, fish, and other sea creatures I
            plained she was from Atlanta, Georgia, a senior    didn't recognize. Owned and managed by Maria de
            executivewithalargefirmandhadabighousewhere        Lourdes Tirano and her two children for about 30
            she was living alone after her husband died. On a  years, this popular spot is pricey by Portuguese stan-
            cruise, she met the ship's charming Portuguese food  dards, but most reasonable compared to similar din-
            and beverage director. They hit it off, married, and  ing options in America. However, the extensive menu
            after they both retired, she sold her home and moved  does offer something for almost every wallet. Monk-
            to Cascais.                                        fish rice with shrimp for two people is $41, and a
                                                               hearty shellfish chowder severed in a bread bowl for
                                                               two is $39. If you're feeling flush, the special seafood

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