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and began to import wine. The trade linked Waterford   man-made wine storage caverns we visited at one of
          with a host of European cities especially Bristol, Bor-  the museums. Evidently, rats loved to eat the corks in
          deaux, and Bruges.                                clay jugs and barrels. The builders decided to coat the
                                                            cavern ceiling with a mix of straw, clay and cat pee to
            In the late 12th century and for the entire very pros-  discourage the destructive and likely inebriated rats.
          perous 13th century, one by-product of the wine trade   It worked, but no one knows how or where the smart
          was the importation of wine jugs used to store and   wine keepers of the wine obtained vast amounts of cat
          serve wine in taverns and homes. A vast number of   pee.
          these jugs was found in the excavations of the cen-  One museum in Waterford’s Viking Triangle is the
          tral city and is now are display in the city’s Medieval   stately Bishop’s Palace Museum directly across the
          Museum.                                           street from the Waterford Crystal factory and show-
            Here’s an interesting tidbit we learned about the

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