P. 49

room. There are many treasures exhibited here in-
                                                              cluding the oldest known surviving piece of Waterford
                                                              Crystal. And there are artifacts and collections owned
                                                              by the town’s most famous or infamous citizens in-
                                                              cluding letters, personal items, and memorabilia from
                                                              a man named Thomas Francis Meagher (pronounced
                                                                Of course, none of us had ever heard of the man,
                                                              but after our guide explained his amazing adventures,
                                                              we were more than impressed. Our introduction to
                                                              him began on the steps of the museum, as our guide
                                                              pointed to a building down the street with an Irish
                                                              tricolor flag waving from a pole on the second floor.
                                                                “That is where the first Irish tricolor flag was flown,”
                                                              our guide explained. “ It was put there by Thomas
                                                              Francis Meagher, the son of the mayor of Waterford.
                                                              And that would be enough for most men to make
                                                              their mark on history, but no other Irishman this side
                                                              of St. Patrick led a more colorful life than Thomas

                                                              Scenes from the Viking Tri-
                                                              angle. Tour goers explore the
                                                              original wine caves in Water-
                                                              ford. The ruins of the monas-
                                                              tery built before the Vikings
                                                              occupied the city.

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