Page 30 - WDT Winter 2018 japan
P. 30

were crude, rustic thermal baths found in hot springs found   First of all, these are not baths to get you clean. You’ve got to
           throughout the country. As early as 552 BCE, Buddhist monks   suds up in a shower before you make your onsen debut.
           ritualized bathing into their daily routine – not only cleansing   You have an option to wear a towel for a little privacy until
           the body but washing away sin. Samurais beginning in the   you slip it off when entering the onsen; don’t let the towel hit
           12th century used the baths to heal their wounds.   the water, that’s considered bad form. It’s customary to wear
             Today onsens are as popular as baseball and ramen.  They   it on your head like a turban while soaking. Staring at fellow
           are everywhere, from the tops of mountains with natural hot   bathers is discouraged as well, although most probably do
           springs to your local hotel. Most onsens these days are segre-  sneak in a look at their fellow bathers – ostensibly to see
           gated by gender and age.  If you’re not comfortable with wear-  where you place the towel. Also frowned upon in onsens is
           ing just your birthday suit in front of total strangers, then this   loud talking and horseplay – these baths, are not about com-
           may not be the sport for you. There are strict rules and cus-  muning with your fellow man or women.
           toms for your onsen experience if you accept the challenge.

           30   WDT MAGAZINE WINTER 2018
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