Page 34 - WDT Winter 2018 japan
P. 34


              Busy train and monorail station just outside Tokyo.

                      ur plan to cruise around Japan proved to be a   neighbors are Korea, China, and Russia.
                      good way to appreciate the importance of the   Volcanic mountain ranges cover about 70 percent of the
                      sea to the people of the country. It is a 146,000   country, with only 13 percent the land mass suitable for farm-
          Osquare mile archipelago about the size of Cali-     ing.  As we traveled by train throughout the country, we saw
           fornia and comprised of four major islands and about 6,800   suburban and industrial creep, especially outside of major cit-
           smaller islands. The East China Sea is to its south, the Sea of   ies where most Japanese live. Many of the suburbs we passed
           Japan to its west and the Pacific Ocean to its east. Its closest   were a crowded jumble of large non-descript apartment build-

           34   WDT MAGAZINE WINTER 2018
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