P. 6


                                              EDITOR’S NOTE

                              WELL, WE’RE GLAD THAT’S OVER

                   opefully, this is the last issue of this mag-  those lifesaving drugs made Covid’s demise pos-
                   azine where you will see masks on us or    sible.
           H anyone else. The pandemic seems to be              It was ironic that we would sail on the Azamara
            behind us. Finally. No more stifling masks, no    Quest, at the beginning and end of the pandemic.
            more testing, no more Covid-related trip cancel-  We were onboard on the Quest two years ago as
            lations and port closures – and a lot less fear.  the pandemic struck and ports closed. On this
            Happy travel days are here again!                 back-to-back voyage, Quest was the first cruise
              We witnessed the end of pandemic travel re-     ship to enter several ports since the lockdowns–
            strictions during our seven-week adventure in     and cruisers weren’t the only ones who were
            Australia and Asia earlier this year. And the joy  happy. Bands, dignitaries, television cameras and
            was palpable. Not just among travelers, now mak-  enthusiastic locals greeted our ships. We were
            ing up for lost time with trips postponed or put  back! We were celebrities.
            on hold during the pandemic. But among the folks    Several times, lingering restrictions like mask
            in countries we visited who eagerly welcomed      wearing and testing restrictions ended just days
            us with open arms and broad smiles.               before we would visit a new country, and once,
              Our trip took us to six countries, that endured  while we were in port. Masks were optional on-
            tough lock downs and imposed severe travel re-    board, tho some passengers and crew continued
            strictions - Australia, Indonesia, Viet Nam, China,  to wear them, out of an abundance of caution.
            Taiwan and Japan. We also enjoyed three cruises,    Our entire trip felt celebratory. On board and
            celebrating with officers and crew of the         ashore, there was no doubting the pent up desire
            Celebrity Eclipse and Azamara Quest the return    to travel - and welcome travelers back. Free from
            to near normal in their hard-hit industry. The    the pandemic's shackles, it’s time to use those
            only pandemic-related requirement to board was    travel vouchers and book some fresh adventures.
            full vaccination, and that is how it should be —  The world is open again. Safe travels everyone!

                                                                            Ron & Mary James
                                                                              Publishers & Editors

            6     WINE DINE & TRAVEL MAGAZINE SUMMER 2023
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