P. 56

Madrid’s Rio Park

               At the suggestion of our friend Ira, who was   courts and soccer fields to a large rollerskating
             visiting Madrid for the first time, we hiked from  part and kiddy zip line.
             our La Latina digs to the city’s Rio Park, built   At one end is an impressive arts district in the
             along a six-mile once industrial stretch of the  repurposed brick buildings of an old slaughter-
             Manzanares River. The narrow river coursing      house. Some housed classrooms, while others
             through a walled channel in the heart of the     tempted with exhibits, theater, and concerts.
             city is no great shakes, although birds and other  Nearby, a sprawling glasshouse welcomed visi-
             wildlife certainly enjoy it. But the park itself is  tors to its sheltered tropical and desert plant
             magnificent.                                     collection from around the world.
               It's relatively new, completed in 2011, so we    We strolled the wide walkways, enjoying the
             could only imagine how beautiful it will be as   downtime from Madrid’s hyper energy. Still we
             the landscaping matures. City residents and      were never far from one of Madrid’s most en-
             tourists flock to this verdant escape for count-  during charms - outdoor cafes. One within the
             less forms of outdoor fun, from quiet walks to   park beckoned us for refreshing canas (small
             team sports. Seventeen play areas, each          beer) in the cooling shade of umbrellas. Perfect
             equipped for various ages, range from tennis     rewards for our workout - er, walk.

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