P. 52

Madrid’s Parks & Gardens

            the many fountains and marble monuments, is a      Crystal Palace, shaped like a Greek Cross and
            magnificent artificial lake for boat rowing and a  now home to special art exhibitions. Locals were
            sparkling Crystal Palace of glass and iron that    lined up to enter it, as well as nearby museums
            once housed botanical rarities. The park is usu-   and Botanic Garden, glorious with spring flow-
            ally pretty quiet on weekdays but offers splendid  ers. Rather than wait in queues, we strolled a bit
            people-watching on weekends.                       more before deciding to return on another day.
              We picked a sunny Good Friday, a public holi-    To see the entire 300-plus acre park obviously
            day in Madrid, for our visit to the park, known as  would require several return visits.
            the city’s “lungs.” It’s only a third the size of San  A couple days later we made a return visit on a
            Diego’s Balboa Park, but it certainly boasts more  non-holiday afternoon with a guide for Free
            beautiful water features, wide walking paths,      Walking Tours Madrid who highlighted both
            and grassy lawns for picnics under its canopy of   botanical and archaeological wonders around
            trees - some 15,000. No wonder we were joined      the park. This time we discovered the artificial
            on our stroll by what seemed like half of Madrid.  lake and the enormous monument to Alphonso
              It took us a while to find the iron and glass    XII that towers on one edge, as well as Ve-

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