P. 52
ited in September 2013--appealed to us: Que- dinner comment that this was her very first
bec City and Saguenay, Quebec; Charlottetown, cruise; a man seated next to me in the theater
Prince Edward Island; Sydney and Halifax, Nova at one musical performance noted that this was
Scotia; Saint John, New Brunswick; Portland, his 14th Holland America cruise, and a woman
Maine; Boston, Port Canaveral, and Fort Laud- from Sacramento on the Halifax hop-on, hop-
erdale. Only this time in eastern Canada and off bus told me that this was her first cruise in
the northeastern U. S., we had timed it just 30 years. The locals were glad to see us!
right to see the gorgeous fall colors! We loved As our bus tour guide in Halifax commented
nothing more than sitting on the balcony (with about those terrifying COVID days: “We didn't
jackets and blankets to ward off the chill) and have cruise ships in port for 1,038 days! I
gazing at the breath- counted!”
taking scenery from During a festive
the St. Lawrence “Orange” night (when
River—especially guests were encour-
viewing the dramatic aged to wear some-
Montmorency Falls in thing orange—shirts,
the distance. dresses, pants,
We had toured bowties, hats, even
Prince Edward Island's wigs--celebrating Hol-
Anne of Green Gables land America's Dutch
house on a previous history), one couple,
cruise. So this time we 88, lost the dance
strolled around Char- contest but gained en-
lottetown. I was hap- thusiastic congratula-
pily surprised to see tory applause!
an Anne of Green Gables shop, with books, We loved dining in the four specialty restau-
aprons, pajamas, dolls—every type of Anne sou- rants—the food was superb and we were
venir you could think of. I was thrilled to buy treated like royalty. And the variety of music
the famed book and a T-shirt for my niece, 11, offered was the best we have ever experienced
who loves to read. For his “shopping” Carl on a cruise. The nightly theater entertainment
hunted down a local Tim Hortons coffee/donut was very good too. One thing that Carl and I
shop—a “must” for his Canadian visits. loved was attending the Lincoln Center Stage
Normally I bring a couple of books with me to each evening, sipping wine and enjoying 90
read on a cruise and leave them behind in the minutes (with 15 minute intermission) of classi-
ship's library. But this time I didn't. However, I cal music by a young quartet playing the piano,
have noticed recently that there either is no li- violin, viola, and cello. They were amazing! Fol-
brary aboard or it's pretty disappointing (with a lowing that we would have dinner and then lis-
few books in German, for example). So, along ten to the eight rocking musicians at B. B.
the way, I finally found a great bookstore in King's Blues Club—or the talented piano duo,
Portland—Sherman's, a short stroll from the often playing favorites by request.
pier--and bought a newly released book that I It's always a bit depressing leaving a cruise
had been craving! on the last morning. As we boarded the shuttle
One day at a poolside lunch we met a couple from the pier to the Fort Lauderdale airport,
from Toronto, on their first post-COVID cruise, the effervesent driver called out to us on the
doing a back-to-back which continued to the mic: “I want to be the first to welcome you back
Caribbean for another two weeks. One evening to the real world!” (Sigh!)
I overheard a woman at a specialty restaurant We can't wait for our next cruise--in April!