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ravel is always an adventure these days, so  ing, but had chosen not to.
                 getting to Quebec City from California to be-  There were several other hotel options available
            Tgin our Holland America Line’s cruise to Flor-   near the Montreal airport, including a Sheraton and
            ida presented some unique problems you can't plan  Doubletree as well as a Marriott, with higher prices,
            for.                                              that is connected directly to the terminal.
              Coming from the West Coast, getting to Quebec     The next morning we ate the free breakfast at the
            was going to be difficult we found early on. It would  Fairfield Inn, packed up and presented ourselves at
            require one or two changes of planes along the way  the lobby for a shuttle ride to the train station. Our
            on what would be a long day of flying and sitting in  Via train tickets had been purchased on the Internet.
            airports between flights. The                                        The ride to the station from the
            flight situation would have                                        hotel took only five minutes. As
            been better had we been fly-                                       soon as we entered the small but
            ing from New York and other                                        busy station, a man checked our
            East Coast cities.                                                 tickets on my iPhone wallet,
              Was there a possible alter-                                      weighed our luggage and gave us
            native to a grueling day of fly-                                   a receipt for the bags that would
            ing cross country, I wondered.                                     be put in the baggage car for the
              Indeed, there was, as I re-                                      ride to Quebec. No charge. Then
            membered Canada's national                                         he showed us to a small lounge
            passenger rail system, Via                                         reserved for Business Class pas-
            Rail. I found that Via offered                                     sengers that offered free soft
            direct, no change of train ser-                                    drinks, cookies and coffee. A
            vice, from the large, better-                                      screen, as well as announce-
            served Montreal airport to                                         ments, gave updates on the
            Quebec City. The trip would                                        train's arrival.
            take about 3 ½ hours, and Via                                        When our train was an-
            offered Business Class, with a                                     nounced, we were shown the
            meal and wine service thrown                                       place on the platform where our
            in with the fare. And the currency exchange rate was  car would stop. There's nothing like bracing for the
            a welcome bargain for us.                         arrival of a train, as a growing bright light became
              We decided to book a red-eye flight to Montreal  visible down the line. Activity on the platform picked
            from San Diego, arriving before noon, and checked in  up as passengers said their farewells to friends and
            to a Fairfield Inn hotel served by a shuttle that was  relatives and as people in walkers and wheelchairs
            adjacent to the Montreal airport.                 were shown to the spot where a portable lift would
              With a warm welcome, we checked in and made     raise them up to the train without using stairs.
            ourselves comfortable in a clean room. The hotel had  All aboard, and away my wife Sharon and I went,
            a nice bistro with bar and restaurant where we ate a  comfortably seated in single seats next to windows,
            leisurely dinner and then adjourned to our room to  in a 2 and 1 row configuration. You could tell the car
            prepare for the train ride the next day and arrival in  was a vintage model from the '70s or '80s, but it was
            Quebec.                                           clean and in great shape.
              We easily could have taken a direct bus or ride-  Like Amtrak, Via Rail has for years been suffering
            share car from the airport to downtown Montreal   from limited funding and service cutbacks, but it's
            for an afternoon and evening of sightseeing and din-  clear that Canada is now committed to frequent and

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