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faster rail service along the corridor we were travel-  Nothing to do, but sit back and relax, and enjoy an-
            ing ---- from Windsor, Ontario to Quebec City. For  other round of wine thoughtfully offered by the at-
            us, the station at the airport was a disguised gem,  tendants. Thanks for Kindle and books!
            giving us easy access if we wanted to Montreal,     Finally, we were under way again, and made up a
            Toronto, Ottawa as well as Quebec City.           bit of time.
              After about 30 minutes, we arrived at Central Sta-  We pulled into Quebec's downtown train station,
            tion in Montreal, where we waited onboard for     picked up our luggage from the baggage car, and pro-
            about 30 minutes before truly getting under way. A  ceeded outside to hail a cab – three hours late. For a
            few minutes later and we were crossing the mighty  few minutes, we were standing alone in front of the
            St. Lawrence River. It would                                           station, and I worried on
            be he the first of two cross-                                          what to do next. But then, a
            ings of the river on this                                              parade of cabs arrived, with
            route.                                                                 our driver telling us it had
              An attendant appeared                                                been a busy night.
            and began pouring drinks                                                 Awaiting us was our Que-
            and took orders for lunch,                                             bec hotel --- the full-service
            served in airline-style fash-                                          Le Concorde high-rise. We
            ion. This was much better                                              chose that hotel because of
            than sitting scrunched up in                                           its distinctive revolving
            those economy class air-                                               restaurant, an architectural
            plane seats.                                                           relic from the '70s, one of
              It was clear we weren't in                                           few such places left. And the
            Kansas anymore as we                                                   restaurant, Ciel, earns great
            passed through towns with                                              reviews, but book ahead, es-
            French names and a distinc-                                            pecially as the sun goes
            tive style of architecture                                             down.
            with many flats having front-                                            We then had a day to ex-
            side balconies, like the                                               plore Quebec's old city, a
            French Quarter of New Or-                                              warren of narrow streets go-
            leans.                                                                 ing back centuries with
              “I could get used to this,” I                                        tourist-themed shops, bars
            said to my wife as we glided through fields and past  and restaurants.
            fast-flowing streams and after a stop in the clean  On checking out, we found a cab outside to take us
            lavatory and snack-bar car.                       to our waiting ship. But there were two piers in this
              Then, the trip took a different twist as we stopped  busy cruise port --- and the first, where we nearly
            next to a newly plowed field. Not a house in sight.  were left, was not ours. A few blocks further, and
              A few minutes passed and the announcement       things were sorted out and we were welcomed
            came: “Ladies and gentlemen, we are being delayed  aboard our ship, Holland America's Nieuw Amster-
            because we have hit a tractor. The police are here to  dam, leaving that afternoon, just as the fall leaves
            do a report.” We had felt no lurch, nothing as much as  were their most vibrant and colorful.
            a slow braking, and decided that we must have given  Once underway on a brisk fall day and settled in
            the errant tractor a slight glancing blow.        our cabin, we saw the first of many amazing sights ---
              A few minutes later came the second announce-   Montmorency Falls just eight miles outside of Que-
            ment. “Ladies and gentlemen, no one was hurt. We  bec City.
            will need to change crews here because our crew has  Thanks to Wikipedia, I quickly learned they are a
            exceeded their slotted time. The new crew will be ar-  full 99 feet higher than Niagara Falls, pouring the
            riving from Montreal by road.”                    water into the St. Lawrence River.

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