P. 84

“I         was horse obsessed when I was a kid,”    Portuguesa de Arte Equestre), one of the

                                                               world’s “Big Four” classical riding academies.
                      Paige Kelly told me. “I think the first
                      word out of my mouth was ‘horse.’ ”
                                                                 It seems that The Portuguese Equestrian
                        Paige and I were having an equine
            conversation amidst stalls, paddocks, and tack     School is relatively unknown, even to horsey
                                                               people. “I’d never heard about it until a friend
            rooms. Meanwhile, a blacksmith worked on a         told me,” said Paige, a graphic designer from
            horse’s hoof not twenty feet from us.              Boston. Her story was echoed by English
              That wasn’t surprising -- talking horses while   tourist Nicky Dines, who was one of a handful
            surrounded by horsey stuff. But here’s what was    of visitors at The Equestrian School that day.
            surprising – we were standing behind bland         “It was news to me,” said Nicky, “and, crikey,
            walls facing a humdrum street in the Belem dis-    I’ve been riding all my life.”
            trict a few miles from central Lisbon.               I’m pretty sure the first words out of my
              A modest sign announced the place. There         mouth were “ma-ma” not “horse,” and Jody, my
            were no lines of tourists trying to get in. You    horse-obsessed wife (who also was only dimly
            could walk by it on your way to a lunch of grilled  aware of the school), had to drag me to visit
            sardines and not notice you were passing The       the facility. But crikey!, the place turned out to
            Portuguese School of Equestrian Art (Escola        be a highlight of our stay in Lisbon.

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