Page 14 - washington state wine
P. 14
oodinville is nestled in are a handful of very large wineries and tasting rooms with wines produced
the Sammamish River wine tasting rooms, like Columbia, the from wineries throughout Washington
valley, and on a very first winery in the area, and imposing State.
good day is only 30 Chateau Ste. Michelle, but most are
Wminutes from There many tasting rooms and
downtown Seattle. Thirty min- small production facilities
utes is pretty optimistic given owned and operated by locals
Seattle’s horribly congested traf- who still hold high tech jobs to
fic and limited bridge options. pay for their wine making pas-
Driving to or from Woodinville sions. Visiting these boutique
during rush hour it will drive you operations, the pourer likely
to drink – more wine. will be the winemaker or a fam-
ily member. Most of the 100-
Woodinville is quirky wine coun- plus wineries here, and in much
try – you won’t find picturesque of Washington State for that
rows of vines here, but you will matter, do not grow their own
find strip malls and industrial grapes. Instead they buy them
parks brimming with wine tast- from growers in the Columbia
ing opportunities. Within the Valley, about three-hours east of
boundaries of this affluent town Seattle.
14 Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015