Page 18 - washington state wine
P. 18
walla walla
Photo Courtesy Walla Walla Valley Wine Alliance/Richard Duval Images
he drive from Seattle to Walla the Yakima Valley where the landscape
Walla can be an interesting one. turns brown and interesting if you’re a
We did a brief detour to Sno- geology buff.
qualmie Falls for a short hike
Tto breathtaking viewpoints of We stopped in the farm/college town
the misty falls. It’s only a few miles off of Ellensburg, which is worth a drive
the highway and well worth the stop. through down the vintage main street.
Then it’s on through the Mt. Baker-Sno- If you have a burger craving, as I did,
qualmie National Forest down into drop into the Campus Burger drive
18 Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015