Page 3 - washington state wine
P. 3


           COVER PHOTO:  Cover photo of a vineyard in
           Walla  Walla,  Washington, is provided cour-
           tesy of the Walla Walla Valley Wine Alliance
           and photographer Richard Duval. Photogra-
           pher, writer, musician, Richard Duval travels
           the Northwest capturing its unique blend of
           wine, scenic and landscape images. His pho-
           tographs can be found on note cards, in gal-
           leries, and bookstores as well as at various art
           fairs and shows, and several stock sites. He
           lives near Mill Creek, WA.

          NEXT EDITION  | WINTER  2015


                                                                                 Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015  3
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