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publisher/executive editor s you read the stories in WDT, you’ll discover certain common threads expressed
by our writers. All have to do with a passion for living – a thirst for adventure,
A beauty, friendship and discovery. Travel takes us out of our comfort zone thrust-
ing us into strange and sometimes risky situations – situations that can be very uncom-
fortable even painful at the time -- but once survived provide memories that put a smile
on your face the rest of your life.
Travel can certainly be dangerous -- especially for thrill seekers who search out adren-
alin-laden activities like cliff diving, rock climbing or running with bulls. But most folks
who read this magazine like their adventures in less aggressive forms. But, regardless of
how and where you travel, misadventures will occur - it’s a law of the travel universe.
Getting sick from food, drink
or a fellow traveler is one of
travel’s most common down-
Ron James is the "wine, food and travel guy." He
is a nationally award-winning print and online sides. We actually expect to
journalist, graphic designer., television producer get some kind of bug at least
and radio personality. The native Californian's na- once on every long trip. It’s
tionally syndicated wine and food columns have happened to us everywhere
appeared in newspapers and magazines around
the world. He is passionate about great wine and in the world. As much as we
food and enthusiastically enjoys them every day! try to play it safe, we love
to sample local cuisine and
MARY JAMES drink and that regularly chal-
lenges of digestive systems
publisher/editor with unfamiliar food and the
bugs that sometimes tag
Some misadventures come out of nowhere. On a business trip to Fiji to cover a surfing
tournament, Ron landed in the middle of a military coup. Things actually got worse,
when he found himself wading a quarter mile through coral reefs crawling with poison-
ous sea snakes.
And who can forget crazy taxi drivers encountered on every continent. In our experience
speeding cabbies in New York can be just as reckless as India’s notorious tuk tuk drivers
or China’s full-throttle fearless van operators.
No matter how adventure-proof you try to make a trip, the mundane can easily become
a hair-raising experience, even on a luxury cruise liner in the Baltic or a private food tour
in Istanbul. It’s this possibility of adventure, even if we’re not looking for it or frankly
trying to avoid it - is, for us, one of the reasons that makes travel addicting.
In this issue, two of our writers come down with a bug that colors their journeys, making
them more memorable than if they had stayed well. Maribeth Mellin shares the silver
lining she found when got sick in Machu Picchu and Jody Jaffe, felled by a bug in the
Yucatan, uses the day to luxuriate in a lovely inn. “If I had to be sick,” Jody said, “I can’t
Mary Hellman James is an award-winning San think of a better place.”
Diego journalist and editor. After a 29-year-ca-
reer with the San Diego Union-Tribune, she Since getting sick or hurt is sometimes part of travel, it pays to be prepared. Veteran trav-
currently is a freelance garden writer and a eler Amy Laughinghouse offers some funny, but sage advice about preparing for those
columnist for San Diego Home-Garden/Life- moments in her “Disaster Planning” column in this issue.
styles magazine. Mary and her husband, Ron
James, travel extensively. Upcoming next So take heed and enjoy the adventure. It’s why you left home in the first place.
month is a six week journey beginning in
Israel and cruising to Turkey, Malta, Greece, Wishing you safe and exciting travels. ~ Ron & Mary James
Italy, France, Spain, the Canary Islands
and across the Atlantic.
Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015 5