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Photo © Tourismus Salzburg.
vealed by Muhr, who tells us the real— second headquarters! So the filmmakers from SOM productions at the Mario-
as well as the “reel”—story of the Von changed the map of Europe.” nette Theatre across the river.
Trapps. There was indeed a young wom-
an named Maria who became a govern- Up a hill lies Nonnberg Abbey, where In Residenzplatz, beside the cathe-
ess, married the dashing Captain Von Maria and her cinematic alter ego stud- dral where Mozart was baptised, Muhr
Trapp, and fled Austria with the family ied to become a nun, and where the points out the Italianate fountain where
to avoid the Nazis. actual Maria and Captain married. It Julie Andrews splashes while singing “I
hunkers beneath the Hohensalzburg Have Confidence.” She shows us a photo
They didn’t hike to freedom, though. Fortress, occasionally glimpsed in the of Maria Von Trapp, clad in a traditional
They took a train. “The scene where they film. Today, this mountaintop fort is dirndl, chatting with Andrews here be-
walk over the mountains to escape into filled with exhibits of military weap- tween takes. Apparently, when Maria
Switzerland? Not possible,” Muhr says. ons, instruments of torture and some first met Christopher Plummer, who
“They would have ended up at Hitler’s spooky looking puppets, including a few played the Captain, she nearly swooned,
Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015 65