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Leopoldskron Palace stood in for the Villa Trapp in several
scenes in The Sound of Music. Opposite right: Maria passes
the horse wash, one of many water features around
Salzburg, while singing “I Have Confidence.” Opposite
bottom: Guild signs advertise the shops along Salzburg’s
saying “I wish my husband could’ve serves as a museum. It’s been Salzburg’s romantic gazebo from the movie, and
been so handsome.” busiest commercial street since the 12th Leopoldskron Castle, which served as
century, and old wrought iron signs bear the lakeside exterior of the Von Trapp
We stroll through St. Peter’s Cemetery, symbols of the shops. Even the tiny M home.
which inspired the set where the Von of McDonald’s is encircled by a wreath
Trapps hide from Nazi soldiers, towards clutched in a bird’s beak, in lieu of gold- To see the real Villa Trapp, take a taxi
the Rock Riding School, the outdoor en arches. or a train about 15 minutes outside the
theater where they sang at the Salzburg heart of the city. The mansion where
Festival before escaping in the film. The Afterwards, we head to the river, where they lived from 1923 until 1938 is filled
family really did perform at the festi- the Von Trapp children run along the with touching mementos, including
val, which is still staged over six weeks banks in the picnic scene. Traipsing over family photos and the boatswain whis-
in July and August, and just like in the a bridge into New Town, our tour culmi- tle that the Captain used to call his chil-
movie, they won. nates at Mirabell Gardens, where Maria dren. But he wasn’t the control-freak
and her charges dance around the Pega- portrayed in the film, insists Christo-
We make a detour through the Univer- sus fountain singing “Do-Re-Mi.” pher Unterkofler, who runs the house as
sity Square market, filled with the scent a bed and breakfast with his wife, Mar-
of cheese, fresh bread and sausages, and For fitter fans, Muhr also offers a bike ianne Dorfer.
down Getreidegasse, where Mozart was tour that includes Hellbrunn, a 17th
born in a big yellow house that now century palace that is now home to the “He was such a nice and gentle char-
66 Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015