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3. “Huh. There are two oxygen   were standing around in the aisles,  It certainly put all my petty con-
               masks in the bathroom.”        snapping pictures of oxygen   cerns into perspective.
                                              masks that dangled like jellyfish
               That’s right, my friends. If you’d   from the overhead compartments.  Sure, the masks hung like used IV
               opted to join the Mile High club   (I, for one, was certainly not going   drips for the rest of the flight, but
               with  an airborne buddy, this   to pass up this epic opportunity   at least we knew they were there if
               transatlantic flight ensured your   for a new Facebook profile photo).  we needed them.
               needs would be catered for “in the
               unlikely event of a change in cabin   Please ensure your own mask is  And yes, the in-flight entertain-
               pressure.” Unless, of course, you   securely fastened before taking   ment system went dark for about
               got greedy and decided to make it   photos of other people in their   an hour just as some of the films
               a threesome.                   masks.                        were reaching their climax.
                                              But the oxygen-dispensing feed-
               (Don’t  expect  to  al-                                                   But when, mo-
               ways get so lucky in                                                      ments before, you
               the loo, however, as                                                      faced down what
               the FAA has report-                                                       might, in the mild-
               edly removed all                                                          est of terms, be
               oxygen masks from                                                         described as a real
               toilets on US flights                                                     cheek-clencher,
               to prevent anyone                                                         the last ten min-
               from    tampering                                                         utes of Maleficent
               with them. So what-                                                       isn’t the happy
               ever you do in there,                                                     ending that con-
               you better make it a                                                      cerns you most.
                                                                                         Maybe next time,
               With those consid-                                                        when    someone
               erations out of the                                                       leans their chair
               way, the realiza-                                                         back into my birth
               tion that perhaps I                                                       canal, I’ll  take a
               should actually put                                                       kinder view. May-
               on a mask myself fi-                                                      be, just maybe, I’ll
               nally leapfrogged to                                                      even give them a
               the forefront of my                                                       head massage. Or
               cortex.                                                                   at least I won’t
                                                                                         knee their seat
               Just as I was reach-                                                      back with quite
               ing for it, a voice                                                       the  same   ven-
               boomed over the                                                           geance.
               tannoy.   It  was
               the captain himself,              Amy’s new profile picture
               sounding   decidedly
               abashed.                       bags weren’t the only things the
                                              captain accidentally deployed. He
               “Er….sorry folks. I pushed the   also set off a chain reaction of gen-
               wrong  button.”  Yep.  Apparently,  eral camaraderie. Strangers who
               he meant to provide oxygen for   wouldn’t look one another in the
               one passenger but inadvertently   eye before were now smiling and
               released them all.             chatting, laughing nervously in
               At this point, I emerged from the   the way that you do when you’ve
               loo and stepped into a scene out   bonded over being scared witless     You can find Amy at WWW.AM-
               of Airplane. Bemused passengers   at 30,000 feet.                       YLAUGHINGHOUSE.COM and on
                                                                                       Twitter @A_LAUGHINGHOUSE.

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