Page 105 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 105
Horus and Sobek. Was this a fine work of of the Nile. It not only served as a well but
art, he asked us. Yes, said. We were floored indicated how much tax to charge the farm-
when he started pointing out gross anatomi- ers depending on the how high the water
cal errors in the carving - arms way too long, surged into the Nilometer. Plus be sure not
too many fingers, etc. – created at a time to miss a remarkable stone relief show-
when Egyptian deities were challenged by ing surgical instruments including scalpels,
the spread of Christianity. The exercise was curettes, forceps, speculators, scissors,
typical of Mohamed who was dedicated to medicine bottles, and prescriptions. Also de-
helping us appreciate historical change with picted are two goddesses sitting on birthing
careful observation. chairs. All suggest the Egyptian knowledge
Also of note at the temple was the mas- of medicine was very advanced at this time,
sive nilometer, a deep circular well with some 100 years before their birth of Christ.
stairs that measured the level of the water After about an hour of exploring the
Phahaohs gather for happy hour after a
long day of touring.
Left: Egyptian shopkeepers looking for
big sales as we passed their stalls on
the way to the St George.