Page 108 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 108


             TEMPLE OF ISIS

              Our first stop in Aswan the next morning was the   the potential for an attack on the dam. A security
            ancient quarry that furnished much of the stone for   officer joined our group as we toured the quarry and
            temples and obelisks throughout Egypt. It still is   traveled by ferry to the Temple of Philae. And photog-
            home to a massive unfinished obelisk, that would   raphy was restricted as we approached the dam itself.
            have been the largest in history. You can see the   Building Aswan dam in the second half of the 20th
            cracks that formed as it was being carved out of the   century was a massive engineering feat, though the
            side of a hill.                                   structure itself is pretty ordinary looking, especially
              Security in Aswan is tight and on high alert, given   compared to Hoover Dam and other in China that we

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