Page 143 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 143
quickly through the chambers before facing the
relentless sun again for the walk back to the van.
Lunch at a local eatery refreshed us for the long trip
back to Aswan and the airport. Our flight back to
Cairo was the start of our trip home early the next
Was Abu Simbel worth the grueling trip? Absolute-
ly. If we were to do it again, we would pick a cooler
time of year, fly down and back, and talk Mohamed
into going along with us. After our many days with
him, we’re sure these remarkable temples have more
tales to tell.
Egypt is best explored with help from an experi-
enced tour company and highly educated guides
that help you get the most from your visit and keep
you out of harm’s way. We turned to highly-rated
Memphis Tours for a 10-day package that included
tours with top guides, five-star accommodations and
complete transportation including air travel in the
country and all transfers. Whatever tour company
you select, you will find the guides make your ad-
venture safer, infinitely more educational, entertain-
ing and much less stressful.
Mephis Tours
Kempinski Nile Hotel
Sonesta St Geroge Cruise Ship https://www.
Ron and Mary dwarfed by statues of 1-nile-cruise-ship
Remises II. It’s hot, but they are enjoy-
ing their last adventure in Egypt. To-
morrow they fly home to San Diego.