Page 148 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 148
Diners study their many options while lis-
tening to bands at Brisbane’s Eat Street.
Right: Bougainvillea-draped archways
shade trails through South Bank.
There was no problem finding treats at Eat Street, a afternoons, promised an overview. Neon signs and
compound of some 200 shipping containers housing strands of fairy lights dazzled my eyes when I arrived
food stands, bars and stages near the northernmost early one Friday night. Families and friends gathered
stop on Brisbane’s commuter boat route. Brisbane around picnic tables surrounded by dining options.
has no shortage of food trucks and weekly markets Music from several stages mingled, as did the aromas
all over the city. I knew I couldn’t hit them all, and Eat of garlic, oil, grilled meats and more.
Street, open Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday