Page 174 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 174
It took a team of 86 artists and crew
members to build this model of Hog-
warts, which is illuminated with more
than 300 fiber optic lights.
I don’t need to whip out my extendable ear to I don’t know what euphoria elixir this lady has been
overhear a conversation between a man and woman mainlining, or if she actually expects to be transported
who, like us, are here without children. “You know they to Hogwarts on the train today. But this is my third
have Platform 9 ¾ at King’s Cross now,” the man says, visit to the studio since it opened six years ago, and I
referring to a cheeky plaque at one of London’s busi- can attest that it is as close as you can get.
est train stations marking the invisible access point After standing in a queue long enough to quaff a
for the Hogwarts Express. “Yeah,” his other half sighs, coffee the size of the giant Goblet of Fire occupying
“but it’s not the real one, and you can’t go behind it the entrance hall, we watch a brief Harry Potter high-
and find the train.” lights reel, featuring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson,