Page 175 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 175
and Rupert Grint reminiscing about their days on set. the expansive tables and elaborate costumes that
Then the screen goes up, the curtains part, and we flank the room. The only thing missing is the starlit
find ourselves face-to-knockers with the doors of sky, which special effects wizards (ahem) added in
Hogwarts’ Great Hall. post-production.
Our expressions must reflect the same awe as that After watching the Goblet of Fire at the other end of
of the young actors, who actually saw this spectacular the hall spit out Harry’s name (a demonstration which
set for the first time when their arrival at Hogwarts I strongly suspect was rigged), we exit stage left into
was filmed. We stamp the sturdy Yorkshire stone a cavernous soundstage that proves to be a treasure
underfoot, and let our eyes wander, and wonder, over trove of all things Potter.