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Just ahead sits the “ice castle” from the Goblet of    Other popular sets include the Gryffindor common
            Fire Yule Ball, overseen by a towering mannequin   room, meant to evoke the warmth of the home poor
            attired in a long…very, very long…gown fashioned for   Harry really never had; the Potions Classroom, filled
            Madame Olympe Maxime, the half-giant headmistress   with 500 individually labelled bottles of stuff banned
            of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Walking beneath   by 21st century pharmacies (“Bouncing Spider Juice,”
            a scale model of the timber-framed ceiling of the Great  anyone?); and the Weasley kitchen, where signage
            Hall, we approach a display of the Prefects’ Bathroom   instructs aspiring wizards to simply “wave your hand”
            taps, which seem to have sprung a rainbow-colored   to iron a dress, knit a scarf, or chop a bunch of car-
            leak from 53 real bronze spouts.                   rots. (It’s easier than “abracadabra” here, but sadly, the
              When we arrive at Harry and Ron’s dorm room, with   magic touch will have worn off by the time I return
            its absurdly small wooden beds, it’s hard to resist the   home).
            tug of nostalgia. “Aw, remember when they were just   There are plenty of other interactive opportunities,
            little?” I sigh, sounding for a moment like their own   including wand choreography lessons, where young
            wistful mother. In fact, as the boys grew, the film crew   Harry and Hermione wanna-be’s practice waving their
            had to get creative, framing shots so you couldn’t see   enchanted twigs; bucking broomsticks which, thanks
            their legs dangling over the end of the bed.       to the aid of a green screen, make you feel as though

  Children share a moment with an ani-
  matronic Buckbeak in the Forbidden
  Forest. Opposite: The Goblet of Fire on
  display in Hogwarts Great Hall.

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