Page 82 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 82
lu-like symptoms grounded Ron for the morn- was chosen. Plus, a natural pyramid topped one of
ing the Pharaohs journeyed to the Valley of the the surrounding mountains – an auspicious sign the
FKings, a cemetery for 62 ancient Egyptian rulers rulers thought.
and other royalty, including King Tut. Even though it It’s hard to imagine elaborate construction here any-
was early in the morning, stifling heat was rising as we time, let alone ancient times; and it’s hard to imagine
climbed into our van for the short ride from Luxor. Mo- anyone but the most desperate thieves moving rocks
hamed pointed out that looting spurred the Pharaohs and sand under the searing sun in hopes there might
to find a secure site for their tombs, starting points for be tombs here. Yet centuries before the discovery of
their journey to the afterlife. As we drove deeper into King Tut’s tomb in the early 1920s, most of the burial
the desolate desert, it was easy to see why this area chambers had been found and robbed.