Page 78 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 78


           of Egypt around 2,000 BC, we learned that this was   Karnak. Plans are underway to restore that storied
           the place where Ramses II began his great building   walkway, though many of the statues are buried be-
           projects up and down the Nile. Only Memphis could   neath to modern city.
           compare in size and splendor. Fortunately, the Temple   Though finally abating, the sandstorm shortened
           of Luxor weathered history’s storms much better than   our visit here. We did see its splendors when lights be-
           its rival.                                        gan to illuminate columns and statues as we boarded
             In fact, desert sands we were battling today buried   our van to return to the ship. That evening’s festivities
           the temple’s detailed reliefs over time, protecting them   included belly dancing and an Egyptian folkloric show,
           for our enjoyment today.  The entrance is guarded by   but at least two Pharaohs missed the performances –
           another soaring obelisk at the beginning of an avenue   dead to the world in our cabin.
           lined by sphinxes that once stretched all the way to

                                                                   The Karnak temple boasts beautifully
                                                                   carved columns and several obelisks..
                                                                   Bottom: Festival goers rush home as
                                                                   the sand storm spoils the party.

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