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Further along the road, we came               the bush, its massive silhouette framed
            across an astonishing sight—a mass of iri-        against the golden horizon. Giraffes
            descent green and blue grasshoppers,              moved gracefully through the trees, pluck-
            each one gleaming like a tiny jewel. Ashley       ing leaves from acacia branches. Dozens
            pointed out their brilliant colors warned         of hulking white rhinos stood silhouetted in
            predators that they were poisonous.               the broad grasslands. Baboons and mon-
            Clearly African wildlife was as much about        keys chattered noisily, pausing only to eye
            small wonders as it was about awe-inspir-         us with mischievous curiosity.
            ing giants.                                          Among the antelopes, gazelles, and
                But we were still eager to see the big        other herbivores, one tiny critter stole our
            guys. Just outside the park, we already           hearts: the dik-dik. About the size of a
            spotted a small herd of Cape buffalo. Ash-        small dog, they darted through the under-
            ley reminded us these fearsome animals            brush, their delicate faces wide-eyed with
            with their thick curved horns are among           alertness. Ashley laughed: “The McNuggets
            the most unpredictable in the wild. Once          of the ecosystem.” We all chuckled, though
            inside the park, the sightings came fast          the truth was grim. Dik-diks are favored
            and furious. A lone elephant emerged from         prey for leopards.

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