P. 118

A Parade in Hippo Town
                                                                  That evening, Ashley and his wife Katie,
                                                               owners of Little Bush Baby Safari, joined us
                                                               for dinner at a cozy Italian restaurant in St.
                                                               Lucia. Outside, the streets were eerily
                                                                  Then Ashley’s phone buzzed. “They’re
                                                               coming,” he announced.
                                                                  We followed him onto a quiet side
                                                               street. Two security vehicles with flashing
                                                               lights rolled past. And then we saw them. A
                                                               hippo turned the corner, its hulking silhou-
                                                               ette outlined by the streetlights. It paused,
                                                               surveyed the road, and then lumbered for-
                                                               ward with a slow, deliberate stride. Behind
                                                               it, a mother and calf followed — a silent,
                                                               surreal procession.
                                                                  Traffic halted, and a hush fell over the
                                                               small crowd of onlookers. Smartphones
                                                               rose like paparazzi cameras, capturing the
                                                               unbelievable scene as the trio continued on
                                                               their way, unfazed by all the attention.
                                                               When the hippos finally disappeared into
                                                               the darkness, we were grinning like chil-
                                                               dren at Christmas.
                                                                  We returned to our charming guest-
                                                               house, but sleep didn’t come easily. The
                                                               unforgettable sight of hippos parading
                                                               through the streets played over in our
                                                               minds. Tomorrow’s adventure awaited—a 3
                                                               a.m. start for a game drive. Would it rival
                                                               the magic of today? It would have to outdo
                                                               a town ruled by hippos.

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