Page 69 - wadirum
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state-of-the-art temperature-controlled the rare tools of his ancestors. Then he Above: Raymond Constant with Michael
stainless steel tanks. Right next to straw led us to a brand new building still un- Ippolito touring the old barrel room. Opposite:
covered jugs used to sell wine to the lo- der construction that wouldn’t look out one of the many rooms filled with ancient
cals for the last century were boxes of of place in Napa or Sonoma. The new wine-making tools. Below: Raymond Constant
wine ready to be shipped to markets museum was being built with beautiful with Ron James; the empty building to become
around France. Thinking that we were stone quarried from local mountains; the wine-making museum; bottles of Domaine
at the end of our tour, winemaker had giant wooden beams crisscrossed the Ray Jane and the wine-maker in the tasting
one last surprise for us. room above the stone floor. We were room.
honored to vist this place. It will sure-
Raymond explained that he was build- ly be a destination for wine enthusiasts
ing a winemaking museum to showcase and historians around the world.
Wine Dine & Travel 2016 69