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                                        BANNED FROM THE KINGDOM OF HAY,”

          Some half million visit Hay each year.  their  owners  to  book  racks;  some  bib-  Above: Many books can be found for a bargain
          Bibliophiles of all ages—some on canes   liophiles sat on stuffed chairs, sofas, old   in Hay-on-Wye. Left: In the charming “Town of
           or pushing baby buggies--strolled   church pews, leisurely reading.    Books”---Hay-on-Wye, Wales--it’s a book lover’s
           through the small streets on this crisp,                               paradise, so don’t pack your Kindle!
           sunny  day  as  the  church  bell  chimed   In another shop, in a locked, glass case,
           noon. A few carried their book purchas-  was a first edition of “You Only Live
           es in burlap bags.                Twice” by Ian Fleming for 750 pounds
                                             (about $1120). A first edition of “Twen-
          In one large shop dogs on leashes led   ty Five Poems” by Dylan Thomas was

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