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Another bookstore sign proclaimed:

                                         “. . .IN THE MEANTIME, LET PEOPLE
                                          STIR THEIR STICKS AND GO TO AN
                                         ACTUAL BOOKSTORE RATHER THAN
                                          A DIGITAL ONE. . . .Stephen King.” ~

                                                Bookstore sign at Hay-on-Wye

          priced at 400 pounds (about $600).  (today, semi-retired, he owns The King   Tony Blair, John Major, Jimmy Carter,
                                             of Hay Bookshop on Castle Street).  His   Doris Lessing, Bill Bryson, Toni Morri-
          Known, not surprisingly, as “The Town   vision was to create the largest second-  son, Judith Dench, Desmond Tutu, Ari-
          of Books,” Hay-on-Wye (called Y Gel-  hand book center in the world.   anna Huffington and John Updike. (The
          li—“The Grove”--in Welsh) is about 175                                next one is May 26 to June 5, 2016).
          miles from London.  No longer served  And he pretty much did just that.  Grad-
          by trains, it takes a bit of planning to get   ually more enterprising bibliophiles   Hay booksellers acquire secondhand
          to Hay, unless you have a rental car.  with dreams of owning secondhand   books from all over—via donations or
                                             bookshops opened  them in Hay, con-  sales from old country houses, schools,
          Set near the River Wye in the foothills   verting old buildings into a haven   libraries, individuals. And some sell via
          of the Black Mountains—near the Gold-  for book lovers.  Through advertising   the Internet, shipping books all over the
          en Valley, touching Brecon Beacons Na-  and publicity gimmicks, the popular-  world.
          tional Park, and boasting vivid green   ity spread, and people now come from
          hills with grazing sheep—it’s the ideal   around the world to visit tiny Hay-on- “But there’s nothing like actually brows-
          place for outdoor lovers.  It’s perfect for  Wye on a literary pilgrimage.  ing in a bookshop, holding a book in
          those who want to take a stroll, go cy-                               your hand,” one owner told me as shop-
          cling, hiking, camping, or canoeing—or  “The Hay,” as it’s fondly dubbed by long-  pers milled around the tiny store.
          who simply want a fresh-air break from   time locals, has been known as a biblio-
          reading!                           phile’s paradise ever since.      “You  can lose  yourself in  a shop,” add-
                                                                                ed Cardiff-based Blue Badge guide Bill
          The earliest known reference to the town   On April Fool’s Day, 1977, the beloved,  O’Keefe, who laments that he never can
          was a 944  A.D. survey—but it wasn’t   eccentric Booth—fed up with local po-  visit the town without taking a handful
          until the 12th century that it was given   litical bureaucracy—proclaimed Hay an   of books home, much to his wife’s dis-
          the name of La Haie (meaning “a fenced   independent kingdom, crowning him-  tress over where to put them all.
          or hedged enclosure”)—then became   self King of Hay (his horse was dubbed
          Hay-on-Wye in 1947.  Due to its loca-  prime minister). He later got on the
          tion, Hay was the site of many battles.  book  bandwagon himself, writing “My  IF YOU GO

          Its castle was founded in the early 13th   Kingdom of Books” (with Lucia Stuart).
          century—and  then  destroyed  in  1216.                               For more information on the town’s
          In later generations it was destroyed by   Hay-on-Wye became even more fa-  bookshops, activities, accommodation,
          fires or uprisings—and rebuilt numer-  mous  in  1988,  when  the Hay  Festival   restaurants, and directions:  www.hay-
          ous times--as various tenants came and   of Literature and Arts was founded by
          went.  Most recently it’s the site of one   locals Norman and Peter Florence with
          of the  town’s largest  bookshops, Hay   winnings from a poker game.  An event   Hay-on-Wye bookshops:  http://www.
          Castle Books.                      which really put Hay-on-Wye on the
                                             map, it has been referred to by the The   asp
          On the castle ground’s cubbyhole book-  New York Times as “a literary Sundance
          shelves, I was amused to see a sign tout-  festival.”  Today up to 100,000 swell the   The Hay Festival of Literature:  May 26
          ing, “Honesty Bookshop; Paperbacks   tiny town for 10 days each spring to at-  to June 5, 2016:
          50p, Hardbacks 1 pound. Please put   tend the festival, where they can be en-
          money into box.” An arrow pointed to   tertained and educated by book authors,  Blue Badge guide Bill O’Keefe: www.
          the small, hanging red box.        actors, politicians, scientists,  philoso-
                                             phers, poets, musicians, and comedians.
          It was book lover Richard Booth, a col-                               For additional information:  www.amer-
          orful Oxford grad--a collector of books   Previous celeb authors and speakers,  www.visitwales.
          since  age 14--who started this  all. In   have included Bill Clinton (who referred   com and
          1962, he converted Hay’s old fire sta-  to the festival as “The Woodstock of the
          tion into a used bookstore, gradually   Mind”), Paul McCartney (who read po-
          opening other bookshops around town   etry), J. K. Rowling, Salman Rushdie,

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