Page 89 - wadirum
P. 89
Dawes Glacier
My epiphany came one evening on the deck of the Safari Ad- soaked in the glory of Glacier Bay National Park’s Margerie
venture, operated by Un-Cruise Adventures, one of the pre- Glacier, shimmering blue in the midnight sun.
mier boutique adventure cruise lines conducting small ship
cruises through Alaska’s Inside Passage. It was late evening That “mystical” evening, NPS Ranger Amy Brobeck definite-
and some 80 passengers, crew and a National Park ranger (as- ly struck a chord in my soul when she stood on the bow and
signed to our ship to help share the wonders and history of quoted a text from renowned naturalist John Muir. Her
the bay and answer our endless questions), stood in awe as we words rang out clearly as passengers from all walks of life and
Wine Dine & Travel 2016 89