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               ’vejustreturnedfrommyannualDecemberjour-     knowledge that maybe I'd made a
               ney to destinations around the world – still giddy  little difference.
               after reminiscing with dear friends with whom    Miniature clay pots hand-
               I've tracked lions in Kenya, wrestled halibut in  crafted in the village of Mata Ortiz  Around the World
          IAlaska, danced till dawn in Madrid.              inChihuahua,Mexico,danglefrom
               Ididitallinmyownlivingroom,atourChristmas    several branches. When I see
            tree. Lots of unpacking – but no jet lag.       them, I think of the extraordinary
                                                            warmth and hospitality of the pot-
               Years ago, a close friend and fellow travel junkie  that I value -- even more than the Christmas Tree
            inspired me to begin collecting ornaments for my  ters I've met there. It's their spirit
            holiday tree as I traveled. Those ornaments have be-
            come magical transporters that whisk me away to  exquisite art that's created in the
            places and faces that continue to enrich my life.  village.
               Do-it-yourself ornaments                         Near the top of the tree, not far from the seed
                                                            necklace I purchased from its Maasai maker while on
               Most of the ornaments on my tree are makeshift
                                                            safari in East Africa, there’s an ornament that breaks
            – small items I've found and turned into tree decor
                                                            my heart. It’s a paper baggage tag labeled with the
            with bits of wire, ribbon or daubs of glue.
                                                            name Togo Tanaka, a Japanese-American journalist.
               A hole-punch easily turned expired passports  Tanaka wore a baggage tag just like it in 1942, when
            into holiday tree finery packed with years of memo-
                                                            he was forced from his home and confined with more
            ries.                                           than10,000others–mostofthemAmericancitizens
               Among my favorite repurposed ornaments is a  by birth – at Manzanar. The historic site and its Inter-
            small doll that I picked up                                                pretive Center, on a
            on the island of Pico, in                                                  desolate, windblown
            the Azores. It's made                                                      patch of California's
            from corn husks – a                                                        Owens Valley, tell
            child's toy – like the                                                     the stories of World
            make-do toys my father                                                     War II's Japanese-
            hadwhenhewasayoung-                                                        American internees
            ster growing up on the is-                                                 with      haunting,
            land.                                                                      heart-wrenching
               A   delicate  Native                                                    clarity.
            American dream catcher                                                         A few branches
            brings to mind a week on                                                   away, there’s a small
            the  Blackfeet  Indian                                                     ceramic pitcher that
            Reservation in Montana's                                                   brings an immediate
            Big Sky Country. It wasn't                                                 smile.  It’s  from
            a week for wimps. With                          Mimmi's Trattoria in Mercatale di Cortona, Tuscany.
            Global Volunteers, we pulled an acre of weeds;  The restaurant was just a few kilometers from a reno-
            sanded,caulkedandpaintedajail;deliveredmealsto  vatedstonefarmhousewheremyhusbandandIbased
            homebound tribal elders; and built a playground at  for two weeks with three other couples who are close
            Browning's Head Start Center (where we slept at  friends. Mimmi stuffed us with course after course of
            night on the preschool floor). Along with the dream  homemade pasta and red wine. She fed us fried
            catcher, I took home a better understanding of an-  chicken and roasted pork, prosciutto and melon, and
            other culture, a sense of accomplishment and the  thebesttiramisuwehadinItaly.Weatefamilystyle--

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