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.Our goal was a culinary exploration of the   wine and food enthusiasts – beautiful locales, rich in
             Iberian Peninsula, which includes Spain, Portugal,  history, and some of the best and most exciting food
             and Gibraltar. We planned to revisit Lisbon and,  scenes in the world. There are definite similarities in
             more specifically, Cascais, the upscale, unpro-   both countries' cuisines, but there also are subtle
             nounceablebeachtown20-mileswestofthecityfor       and sometimes distinctive differences as well. The
             a week, then move on to explore the Spanish       people of Spain and Portugal are passionate about
             Mediterranean coast from Gibraltar to the French  how, when, and what they eat – and do not look fa-
             border. We also would spend time in Spain's An-   vorably at tourists (or ex-pats) who don't make an
             dalucía region with visits to Seville and Granada.  effort to understand their customs.
                 Because of previous trips to Portugal and Spain,  In both countries, a multitude of eateries serve
             we had an idea of what to expect – exciting regional  traditionaldishes.Still,thereisnearlyanequalnum-
             dishes featuring fresh local products. Both coun-  ber of top-notch restaurants that offer a wide range
             tries offer a traveler – especially those who are avid  of international cuisines – from Japanese to Mexi-

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