P. 29

can.Andofcourse,you'llfindStarbucks,McDonald's,    Verde, a hearty green affair from Northern Portugal
            Burger King, Taco Bell, and other franchises through-  made with potato puree, slices of chorizo sausage,
            out the Peninsula.                                 Portuguese olive oil, and cabbage or kale.
               Thediningadventuresweenjoyedmostwerethe             AnotherfavoriteisbacalhauorPortuguese dried
            fusion kind, a mix of cuisines and techniques, result-  codfish. Itbecameanobsessionduringthedayswhen
            ing in wonderfully exciting and tasty dishes.      the only way to ship fish was to salt and dry it before
                                                               the journey and rehydrated it to cook later. There’s a

                         Pure Portuguese                       saying there are some 365 ways of preparing bacal-
                                                               hau – one for each day of the year. One of our fa-
                                                               vorites is Portuguese cod fritters or Bolinhos de
               The typical Portuguese meal emphasizes fish,    Bacalhau. These little fried balls served hot and crisp
            meat, olive oil, bread, rice, tomato, herbs, and spices.  are a tasty mix of salt cod and mashed potatoes.
            They also love soups. The most popular one is Caldo
                                                                   The summertime food of choice in Portugal has

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