P. 70

Steki Restaurante


                     The restaurant's pleasant but nondistinc-  ries, she explained. Steki serves only one
                     tive facade would easy to miss without   lunch, and one dinner seating and clients
                     Google'shelp.Asweapproached,aserver      with reservations would be there within
                     was setting up the lone outside table in  the hour. Sure enough, the little dining
                     advance of the lunch service. We asked   room was packed within 30 minutes. She
                     for a table, even though we didn't have a  turned away, walk-ins the entire time we
                     reservation. You're in                                   were there.
                     luck, she said. We had                                       The young woman
                     one cancellation and                                     we thought was a
                     can fit you in when we                                   server was indeed the
                     open in an hour.                                         only server, but also
                                                                              happened to be one of
                         We returned at                                       the owners. Olivia Pa-
                     the appointed time,                                      pachristou,     from
                     noting there were no                                     Greece, and the chef
                     other diners around.                                     Fernando Azael from
                     Strange,wethought.Itwas1:30,andeven      Mexico, bring international flavors and
                     in late-dining Spain, you expect a line out  flair to excellent Spanish cuisine. They
                     the door for such a popular spot. No wor-  worked together for years in various

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