P. 32

Calle Cava Baja

             One evening, wending our way home from Gran
           Via, we joined the throng of people turning down a
           side street we hadn’t explored before. To our de-
           light, we were swept up in a festive scene of color-
           ful bars and restaurants, bright lights and
           animated weekend revelers.
             Welcome to historic Calles Cava Baja and Cava
           Alta, La Latina’s famed restaurant row, a gour-
           mand’s pot of gold and magnet for fun lovers.
             This little section of the barrio, just steps from
           our apartment, is lined with over 50 vintage bars,
           historic restaurants, and some of the best tapas
           purveyors in the city. They named the two streets
           after the caves dug by the Moors for refuge during
           the Christian takeover of the area in 1085. A cen-
           tury ago, it was a busy hub for peasants, farmers,
           and tinkers selling their wares in Madrid. At days
           end, they would spend the night at one of the inex-
           pensive but cheerful inns or Posadas along Cava
           Baja. A few of these original Posadas remain today,
           primarily as restaurants.
             If there was anything we learned from our fre-
           quent incursions along the Cave streets, was that
           each eatery and bar had its own specialties and
           personality. One restaurant specialized in wood-
           fired-cooked lamb, another suckling pig, while
           each tapas bar had a dish or drink knowledgeable
           customers knew to order. There was a handful we
           liked so much that we returned several times and
           others we plan to revisit the next time we’re in
           Madrid. So many fine choices, so little time.

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