P. 100

Every stinging synapse in my body screams       this rush of endorphins, Prantl says that ice-
            “Abort! Abort!” But with Prantl’s encourage-      bathing also burns calories, tightens skin, and
            ment, I wincingly wade hip-deep into the lake,    fights inflammation. And let’s not forget bag-
            gasping like a guppy…in between shuddering        ging bragging rights when you splash your “I
            squeals.                                          double-dog-dare you” photos across social me-
              “Now, when you breathe out the next time,       dia.
            just go down on your knees,” Prantl instructs.      Ice-bathing may be the coolest—or at least,
            As she lowers her hands like a conductor, I me-   the coldest—offering on the Tschuggen Hotel
            chanically follow suit.                           Group’s “Moving Mountains” wellness program,
              Submerged up to my chest, I find myself al-     which I’ve come to Switzerland to experience.
            most enjoying the experience. It’s not exactly    Created in 2021 by Dr. Götz Bechtolsheimer,
            “lovely when you’re in,” but the more numb I
            become physically, the more exhilarated I am       Carmen Prantl, a volunteer with the
            mentally.                                         EisbadiArosa ice-bathing organization, coaches
              By the time I exit one very long minute later,  author Amy Laughinghouse through her frozen
            I’m literally buzzing, with a throbbing current   dip in Switzerland's Untersee lake. Courtesy
            forcibly pulsing through my body. In addition to  Tschuggen Hotel Group.

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