P. 16

98            CHILLIN’IN THE ALPS

                                                                 So, when someone suggested that I should try
                                                                 my hand at “ice-bathing” amid the snow-cov-
                                                                 ered Alps, my answer was, “why not?” (Com-
                                                                 mon sense being less common than most
                                                                 would suppose).

                                            110                  A FEAST IN QUITO

                                                                 Visitors can straddle the Equator, inspect pre-
                                                                 Columbian artifacts and fine art at museums,
                                                                 find whopping bargains at artisan markets,
                                                                 ride a cable car into the clouds, offer prayers
                                                                 at some of the most magnificent cathedrals in
                                                                 the Americas – and savor sublime dining.

                                             128                 INDULGING YOUR INNER ROYAL

                                                                 When you enter the Beau-Rivage Palace Hotel
                                                                 in Lausanne, Switzerland you know you have en-
                                                                 tered an enchanted place. You could have
                                                                 stepped into a time capsule, whisked back to
                                                                 the 1800s when the palace was built. But no,
                                                                 you’re here in the present and sense, this is go-
                                                                 ing to be something special.

                            Priscilla Lister

                            Priscilla Lister is a longtime journalist in her native San Diego. She has covered many subjects
                            over the years, but travel is her favorite. Her work, including photography, has appeared in
                            The San Diego Union-Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Alaska Airlines’ magazine and numerous other
                            publications throughout the U.S. and Canada. She is the author of “Take a Hike: San Diego
                            County,” a comprehensive hiking guide to 260 trails in amazing San Diego County.

                            Wibke Carter

                            laughterinLondon.HerworkhasappearedinTheGlobe andMail,TheSanFranciscoChronicle,Binspired
                            Magazine,The Independent andmore.Whennottraveling,sheistryingtotamehertwocatsand

                            Diane Covington-Carter
                            Diane Covington-Carter has garnered numerous awards for her journalism, books,
                            photography, and NPR commentaries. Her articles have appeared in AARP.ORG, The Los
                            Angeles Times, Hemispheres,, Reader’s Digest, France Today, and many other
                            publications. Diane holds both American and Australian passports and lives in New Zealand
                            and California.

            16    WINE DINE & TRAVEL MAGAZINE SPRING 2023
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