P. 29

The Chef Rudi Show

              The cooking demonstration took place in the
            ship’s theater late morning on a sea day. Word
            must have spread quickly among our fellow
            passengers because the large space was nearly
            full when the cruise director introduced Chef
            Rudi and his team of ship’s chefs. Over the next
            hour, the audience was treated to a culinary
            lesson leavened with laughs. Chef Rudi turned
            out to be a charming cross between Victor
            Borge, Martin Yan and Emeril Lagasse.
              The chef selected four “helpers'' from the au-
            dience who would join him in making
            Salzburger Nockerl, a fluffy souffle from the
            city of Mozart on the dessert menu at Rudi’s.
            Little did they know they would inspired chef’s
            light-hearted gags, as they struggled to sepa-
            rate eggs and then whisk the whites into stiff
            peaks. Some were more successful than others
            as arms tired and mistakes were made. The
            crowd loved it as the chef urged them on, re-
            peating his mantra, “If I can do it, you can do it.”
              A skilled presenter, Chef Rudi even turned a
            potential disaster into entertainment. When
            the oven on stage failed, the chef used the mi-
            nor crisis as a running gag. Finally, to save the
            day, one chef assistant rushed into the theater
            with a properly baked souffle fresh from the
            kitchen. The crowd roared and clapped. More
            applause followed when Chef Rudi introduced
            the ship’s lead chefs, who ringed him on stage.
            Everyone had a great time, even the contes-
            tants with sore arms, who would have a great
            story to spin at home.

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