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While Chef Rudi’s skills as an artist and en-   a sweet ending, the artistic chef created a food-
            tertainer are impressive, it’s his mastery in the  face masterpiece of fruit, gelato, chocolate and
            kitchen that sets him apart. All were on display  caramel and presented it with his customary
            at the “Chef’s Table” dinner the next evening in  flair. A parade of toque-wearing chefs carrying
            Rudi’s Sel de Mer.The menu was formidable and     dessert plates led by a beaming Chef Rudi to a
            eclectic - a challenge for the kitchen staff,     rousing applause from appreciative guests.
            joined by Chef Rudi, and a delight for the room      As we enjoyed our sweet treats, Rudi circu-
            full of food-loving guests.                       lated through the room, eventually stopping by
              A creamy langoustine bisque set a high bar      our table with one last gift - a Chef Rudi bob-
            for the start of the feast. The morel and porcini  ble-head figurine. It’s now on our home office
            risotto and butter poached lobster preceded       desk, a visual reminder of a very special dining
            the melt-in-your mouth main course - a tender,    experience and a most memorable individual
            juicy roasted rack of veal with portobellos. For  who loves to play with food.

            30    WINE DINE & TRAVEL MAGAZINE SPRING 2023
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