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ell grandma I have what she needs,” mama instructed. I did ing smooshed or kisses being planted. I’m old-fashioned, and no
just that. I bolted through the back screen door, down the app can replace a granny’s touch, so granny and gramps have two
un-even cement steps, and in about three minutes tops, I tickets to travel. We are excited, for travel will not only take us to
Tdelivered the message to grandma as she sat at her kitchen our grandchildren but also to the enchanting country of Ireland.
table stringing green beans. Some 50-years-later, I wish it were Keeping our sights on Donegal Town in the northwestern
that simple. region of the county as our final destination, we think boldy
The distance between me and the grandchildren I have never (as they say in Ireland) of the possibilities before us. Even with
seen is thousands of miles. Not around the corner, up the hill, or the cold and wet of January at our heels, layers of wool socks
down the street. Tired of audible sounds of pity from others (and and local purchases of Aran wool sweaters ease the frigid winds
admittedly, from myself as well), I dismiss the notion that Skype, with which this Southerner is not accustomed. We were ques-
Whatsapp, and Facetime are acceptable substitutes to cheeks be- tioned frequently about our choice to visit Ireland in the winter;
50 Wine Dine & Travel 2016