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restaurants across the street told us we had made
                                                               a good choice.

                                                                   The hotel oozed comfort and old-world
                                                               charm. Entering the inn, we saw couples enjoying
                                                               the grand views while holding glasses of port or
                                                               wine. Our friendly hosts had informed us in
                                                               advance that there would be stairs to get to our
                                                               rooms but assured us that they would take care of
                                                               hoisting our heavy bags. And they did.
                                                                   Our spacious room was on the ground floor,
                                                               where French doors opened onto the garden - a
                                                               perfect place to launch my drone. (More about
                                                               this later.) It took a few days to get used to the
                                                               stairs, by the end of our stay I was just barely
                                                               winded by the climb. I had become the Edmund
                                                               Hillary of Sintra. The mountaineer’s quote came to
                                                               mind, “People do not decide to become
                                                               extraordinary. They decide to accomplish
                                                               extraordinary things.” Like climbing three flights
                                                               several times a day.
                                                                   Stair climbing exponentially increased my
                                                               thirst for a glass of wine. Our first stop was right

                                                                The entrance to the five-star hotel
                                                                Chalet Saudade. Below: The public
                                                                area of the hotel. Ira and Barbara
                                                                Gruber enjoying a glass of port in
                                                                the parlor.

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