Page 31 - washington state wine
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or two or three generations of Americans knew of very flat Central Valley of California, where distant mountains
Red Mountain wine either by experience or repu- at best could only be seen on the clearest of days. Wine-maker
tation. So when I first heard that these wines were Carlo Rossi touted the wine on television to millions and even-
getting rave reviews in the national press, I was a tually Red Mountain jug wine was renamed Carlo Rossi.
Flittle confused. The wine we knew - the wine made
by E&J Gallo that fueled much of counterculture in the 1960s Today’s Red Mountain wine is not related in any way.
- was made from flabby grapes grown under the hot sun of the
Red Mountain pioneer Jim Holmes in front of his winery and famous Ciel du Cheval vineyards.
Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015 31
Photo courtesy of Washington State Wine courtesy of Andréa Johnson Photography