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The allure of Lexington has long been legendary

                                                          e felt ourselves as pas-  that mindset, of course, is the bourbon
                                                          sengers through a wil-  making… In a day, you can tour several
                                                          derness  just arrived at   bourbon distilleries and then get back
                                            "Wa garden where there              in town for a fine meal. You can’t do that
                                             was no forbidden fruit,” wrote Daniel   anywhere else.”
                                             Boone’s companion, Felix Walker, when
                                             they found Kentucky’s Bluegrass region   We did several things here you can’t do
                                             in the late 1700s.                 anywhere else. We also dined exception-
                                                                                ally well, visited America’s first commer-
                                             This area was the first to be settled in   cial vineyard, and toured fascinating
                                             Kentucky and was very early declared   historic homes.
                                            “The Athens of the West.” Transylvania
                                             University, the first college west of the   Two of those things you can’t do any-
                                             Allegheny Mountains, was founded here   where else center on that very special
                                             in 1780. Today it is also home to the   blue grass.
                                             University of Kentucky.
                                                                                The fertile soil of the legendary Blue-
                                             Prominent leaders of the 18th and 19th   grass Region lies on a massive limestone
                                             centuries had connections to Lexington,  shelf that has been the bedrock of two
                                             including  Abra-                                      remarkable pur-
                                             ham     Lincoln,                                      suits here: thor-
                                             Henry  Clay and                                       oughbred horses
                                             John C. Breckin-                                      and   bourbon.
                                             ridge, at 36 the                                     The   limestone
                                             youngest-ever                                         adds calcium to
                                             Vice  President                                       that  gorgeous
                                             of the U.S. under                                     green grass to
                                             James Buchanan.                                       promote strong
                                                                                                   bones in those
                                             George Clooney                                        horses,  while
                                             was born here.                                        that same lime-
                                             Johnny   Depp,                                        stone acts as a fil-
                                             born nearby in Owensboro, bought a   tration system to purify the water that
                                             home for his mother in Lexington. And   makes the best bourbon in the world.
                                             Jon Carloftis, Kentucky native and
                                             award-winning garden designer, recent- Lexington calls itself “The Horse Cap-
                                             ly  sold his  homes  in  Manhattan and   ital of the World.” Historic Keeneland
                                             Bucks County, PA, to return to Lexing- Race Course, one of the most beautiful
                                             ton where he and his partner, Dale Fish-  race tracks in the world, hosts live race
                                             er, have restored the 1851 home known   meets every spring and fall. You can go
                                             as Botherum in the historic Woodward   there any morning, however, and watch
                                             Heights neighborhood.              those magnificent beauties train on the
                                                                                dirt track; be sure to have breakfast at
                                              “The Lexington area has such a rich his-  the Keeneland Track Kitchen, a local
                                             tory nestled amongst the modern city   tradition. October 30- 31, 2015, will
                                             that it has grown into; I think that’s   find Keeneland hosting The Breeder’s
                                             why it’s so appealing,” said Carloftis,  Cup, “the richest two days in horse rac-
                                             who graduated from UK in 1986. “It’s   ing.” Keeneland’s annual sales auctions
                                             the perfect mix of fast-paced lifestyle   for thoroughbreds are the most presti-
                                             and a slow and steady mindset. Part of   gious in the world.

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