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us.  When the  spoiled younger  Joseph  Among Hunt’s descendants was John   er,  so imagine the charged atmosphere
            marches to war as a Confederate, “they   Hunt Morgan, called “the Thunderbolt   in this bucolic neighborhood during the
            sent him back!”                    of the Confederacy.” This flamboyant  Civil War.
                                               leader of Confederate guerrilla fighters
            He set up two horse-racing tracks on the   known as “Morgan’s Raiders” would do    “This was never a crude frontier town,”
            hemp plantation that were its — and his   anything they could to disrupt — or rob   said Jason  Sloan, director  of  preserva-
           — undoing. “Joseph Henry was so profli- — Union soldiers.              tion of the Blue Grass Trust, which owns
            gate with money, within three years he                                the Hunt-Morgan House. “It was always
            had lost $2 million; in 1894                                                 wealthy and cultured.” He add-
            the place was sold out from un-                                              ed that Lexington had an opera
            der him,” Bryant told us.                                                    house before Chicago and some
            Joseph   Henry’s  children                                                   of the first Beethoven sympho-
            bought most of the home’s fur-                                               nies were played here. “There
            nishings back from auction so                                                was  a  lot  of  opportunity  and
            the home today displays most-                                                commerce here.”
            ly original pieces.
                                                                                         The push to save the Hunt-Mor-
            Waveland’s slave quarters have                                               gan House from demolition in
            also been restored. It’s worth                                               1955 formed the beginning of
            noting that after the Civil War                                              the Blue Grass Trust, the city’s
            and abolishment of slavery,                                                  preservation organization.
           “the slaves all stayed here; they                                             Stroll down 2nd and 3rd ave-
            were treated well here,” said                                                nues right outside downtown
            Bryant.                                                                      where splendid old homes are
                                                                                         restored or undergoing resto-
            The Civil War deeply divided Kentucky.  The  Hunt-Morgan  House  is  located  on   ration.
            The Hunt-Morgan House really show-  a corner of Gratz Park, a lovely histor-
            cases that division.               ic neighborhood where virtually every  This city’s devotion to its historic past
                                               home is on the historic register. Right   has resulted in many magnificent neigh-
            It was built in 1814 for the first mil-  across the park from the Hunt-Morgan   borhoods that make architecture devo-
            lionaire west of the Alleghenies, a hemp   House was the home of General Thom-  tees swoon around every corner. Drive
            merchant named John Wesley Hunt.  as Bodley, a staunch Union sympathiz-  yourself around the areas of Ashland

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