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ably dressed to the artisan and the humble
message boy.
"As the hour drew near, there was a hush of
expectation. Then bang went the gun in the
Castle, and every head turned to the gate,
knowing that at the signal Bobby would
break his lonely vigil and set off on the
way out. Soon there was a hushed whisper,
'Here he comes!' and the grey, shaggy little
figure appeared.
“Bobby hurried round the corner to his right,
and disappeared into Mr. Traill's Dining
Rooms for the meal he never failed to get
for many years. His dinner finished in rea-
sonable time, the devoted dog returned once
more to the grave of his master."
In fact, when beloved Bobby died on Jan-
uary 14, 1872, it was noted in The Scots-
man newspaper.
But that wasn't the end of the story.
Dr. Sharon Vanderlip, a veterinarian IF YOU GO
practicing in San Diego, Calif., and au-
British Baroness Angela Georgina Bur-
dett-Coutts, who had heard about Bobby thor of numerous animal books, points For more information, visit www.vis-
shortly before he died, commissioned out that the Skye Terrier "is a very intel- and www.visitbritain.
a special red granite water fountain ligent and devoted companion, a stur- com
(for humans to partake on top, dogs at dy, robust little dog, but they are not
the bottom) erected in Bobby's mem- numerous or easy to find. Terriers love Greyfriars Bobby Fountain Statue is
ory, unveiled on November 15, 1873. dirt! (Terrier is derived from 'terre,' the located at the corner of Candlemak-
Atop the fountain is a life-size bronze French word for earth or dirt). And they er Row and King George IV Bridge--in
bust of Bobby by the sculptor William love to dig! The graveyard, with all its front of the Greyfriars Bobby Bar, 34
Brodie. Today tourists from all over dirt, would be an ideal spot for a terrier!" Candlemaker Row.
come to pose for photos in front of the
fountain, which has a plaque inscribed: Today Bobby fans visiting Edinburgh can Greyfriars Kirkyard, where John Gray's
"A tribute to the affectionate fidelity not only see photos of him, but also his and Bobby's gravestone memorials are
of Greyfriars Bobby. . . ." metal dinner dish and collar in The Mu- located, is behind Greyfriars Bobby Bar.
seum of Edinburgh.
In 1912, American author Eleanor At- The Museum of Edinburgh, which
kinson wrote a book about Bobby that As Fiona McCarroll, an elementary houses Bobby's metal dinner dish, col-
became a best-seller. And she had nev- school Media Specialist in Indiana notes, lar, and photos is at 142 Canongate,
er visited Edinburgh! Since then Bobby "Greyfriars Bobby is a tale from my home- Royal Mile.
has gained more notoriety from books town of Edinburgh, so I honestly cannot
and films. remember a time when I was not familiar For more information, please visit
with it. The Museum of Edinburgh is just (click on The Museum
down the road from the statue of Bobby of Edinburgh).
Those visiting the churchyard cemetery
today can see the red granite gravestone and I remember as a child getting off the
for John Gray, purchased by American bus to go see it. My own children know We stayed at the Apex Waterloo Place
fans. Nearby, in front of the church (not the story very well and have to have their Hotel:
on consecrated ground), on a triangular photograph taken next to this bronze tels/edinburgh/
grass plot--usually covered with flowers memorial when we go back home to Ed-
of tribute--is the red granite stone for inburgh." We enjoyed dining at Field Restaurant
Bobby. It reads: "Greyfriars Bobby, Died and at the
14th January 1872, Aged 16 Years. Let As she sums up: "I think the legend of Witchery:
His Loyalty & Devotion Be A Lesson To Greyfriars Bobby is a wonderful tale (Reservations highly recommended for
Us All." about the loyalty and companionship both).
that we would all like to have in this hec-
tic world, albeit from a pet or even a dear Opposite: Bronze statue of Bobby in front of the
It was given by the Dog Aid Society of
Scotland and unveiled in 1981 by the friend. He is a testament to the hard pub named after him and his grave marker. Top:
Duke of Gloucester. work, tenacity and loyalty so familiar to Original poster for the Walt Disney movie about
the Scots as a nation and a race." Bobby.
Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015 81