Page 61 - asia
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northeast and even Mount Rainier, 117 owner, Paul Schell, who was mayor of Se-
miles southeast. attle when I lived there many years ago.
“I voted for you,” I told him honestly. He
I settled in Langley, one of the loveli- was clearly delighted and came up to
est small seafront villages on the Puget me later to confirm, “You really recog-
Sound, where one-of-a-kind shops and nized me? It’s been a long time.”
galleries encourage a leisurely stroll
in search of gifts, clothing, antiques, “Yes,” I told him. “You haven’t changed a
books and even homemade chocolates, bit,” I grinned.
cupcakes and ice creams.
Just like that awesome Deception Pass.
I wouldn’t miss Useless Bay Coffee Com-
pany to mingle with the locals. Cafe
Langley and Prima Bistro, both on First
Street, are much-loved restaurants that
feature Pacific Northwest cuisine. Vil- IF YOU GO:
lage Pizzeria makes a fine East-Coast
crisp Neopolitan pie. For more information about Whidbey
Island, including how to get there,
But if you’re really a foodie, then make where to stay, where to eat and what
a reservation for Chef Matt Costello’s to do, go to http://www.whidbeyca-
six-course tasting menus -- weekends, the main visitors
only -- that feature seasonal, local in- web site for both Whidbey and Cama-
gredients. Costello used to head Seattle no islands.
chef Tom Douglas’ Dahlia Lounge and
Palace Kitchen and now cooks at the Washington State Ferry System, www.
Inn at Langley’s restaurant, which has
received an “extraordinary” rating from
Zagat guides every year since 2004 af- The Inn at Langley, www.innatlangley.
ter Costello arrived. com.
I retired to my cozy cedar-decked, wa- Ebey’s Landing National Historical
terfront room with huge jetted tub and Reserve,
complementary DVD movies at that
award-winning Inn at Langley. Over the Deception Pass State Park, www.parks.
sumptuous continental breakfast the
next morning, I recognized the inn’s tion%20pass&subject=all.
Top: The views from on top of Mt. Erie on Fidalgo
Island, immediately across the Deception Pass
Bridge from Whidbey Island, are truly jaw-drop-
pingly beautiful.
Wine Dine & Travel Winter 2015 61